I was sick of doing all my radio stuff on a fold-out table in the bedroom so… I took a look around the place to see what else I could do. At first I thought about putting up a shed, but the only place I could put one was too far from the house so I wouldn’t hear if anyone broke in. Then I looked under the house, measured the space at 4.2m x 2.2m and thought “I might be able to do something with this”

So I got to work cleaning everything out and putting a frame together.

Because of the ground under there I decided to build an old bookshelf into the wall rather than dig out the ground next to the stumps.

I packed out the back wall a bit around the water pipes and built a frame to join it to the bookshelf, insulated and clad with leftover yellowtongue flooring.

Then i started on the front wall. Due to the height of this room I had to cut down a door frame and door to suit.

I installed a light and a door, then started painting.

I then started on the benches. I wanted a lower bench for operating radios and the computer, and a higher bench comfortable for soldering and building little things on while either standing or sitting. The second bench also had to be high enough to fit a bar fridge under.

Then I stained and varnished them. I probably should have done it before install but hey, there were a LOT of things I could have done better on this job but you learn by doing.

Then more outlets and a TV and I was ready to set up for radio stuff.

This is where the shack is at now. It took a several weekends to build and I have been using it for almost a month now. I still have more to do to it like skirting boards and mounting a connection panel on the wall, painting the door etc. But it’s usable as is and I’m pretty happy with how it all went.
73s, Daniel
What insulation did you use in the floor and. Walls? How are you heading and cooling the shack?
I currently am in my shack 1.0 and I am planning version 2.0 this spring.
The front wall has sisalation, the left wall has batts, the back wall and shelf area have foil backed batts and the right wall+floor are currently uninsulated, just havent had time. Using a cheap portable compressor aircon under the work bench for cooling (i cut a hole in the floor for the exhaust outlet) and a portable heater for winter.