
2 Replies to “Hamradio”

  1. I posted this to ajnin.nad3kvnull@nad3kv but it bounced.

    Hi Dan,

    I found your IC-7300 commands for MMSSTV and am now using them on my IC-7200. Great to be able to change bands with a click.

    Speaking of which… Do you know about flrig? Once you set up your rig in that, you can then use WSJT-X , fldigi and FT8Call from it, using FLRig as the transceiver. Very nice.


    BTW, have you tried FT8Call? I find FT8 unsatisfying (although I see your entries in QRZ). FT8Call allows QSOs of unlimited length, albeit slow as there are only 13 chars/frame. Anyway it’s a new mode and one that’s worth exploring. Still under development, and many suggestions coming from the 5000 users (so far).

    Go to http://groups.io/g/ft8call

    and read about it here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/159S4wqMUVdMA7qBgaSWmU-iDI4C9wd4CuWnetN68O9U/edit

    73 de
    Paul VK2AHB

    1. Hi Paul,

      Ah, the email address doesn’t have vk3 in the username. Glad the MMSSTV page was helpful!
      I have used flrig, but only for the ubitx, I find the built in support for the 7300 in each of those programs good enough to just set them up in each. Had I been setting everything up at once I may have used flrig for it instead though, it seems to work well.

      FT8call (JS8Call now I guess. hehe I forgot to answer this message for a while, sorry.) I have downloaded it, and had a look but I haven’t found a lot of activity yet, but I did see some. I haven’t had a chance to really try it out yet as my radio time is somewhat limited at the moment as we had a baby 5 months ago so I have had to change my priorities somewhat.

      Thanks for your message. Cheers, 73 – Dan.

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